Sprint 5: Slot and Fill feature released

Sprint 5 Planning

We’re going to keep the 4 weeks sprints for the moment because we feel that this one worked better than the previous ones.

In Sprint 5, our focus is going to be, in this order:

  • Finish all the features that are currently in progress.
  • Solve all the high priority bugs.
  • If we still have time, we’d love to work on the ads packages, as they are our next priority.

Included in the sprint:


Apart from that, we may ask Edu for some support to develop these features (or new ones).

You can keep track of the process at the Sprint board.

Sprint 5 Review

For a more detailed view of the final status of the sprint you can check the GitHub board .

Note that, as we’re doing the release after the end of the sprint and we did a release at the middle of the sprint, some issues may differ in the announcement and in this review.

Frontity team review


In progress

Not started

External development

Apart from the work made by the Frontity team, there have been two great contributions.