Welcome to Frontity Forum

Welcome to the Frontity Community! :wave:

Let’s make it easier to build websites with WordPress and React! :blue_heart:

Frontity is an Open Source Project with a growing community. This Community Forum is the main place for the community to make announcements, engage in conversations with one another, and help each other.

Have a look at this guide to understand how the Forum is organized and how to use it.

Here are some quick tips to help you get started:

  • If you are new to our forum, go ahead and introduce yourself! We’d love to learn more about the projects you’re working on and what you’re hoping to accomplish with Frontity.

  • Get Help: if you get stuck at any point or have questions about Frontity, this is the place to ask and get help from the community. Also to share your learnings with others, and help answer questions. Everyone is a teacher and a learner here.

  • Showcases: here you can find some Frontity projects built by the community. We highly encourage you to contribute and share yours so others can learn, get inspired and see what can be accomplished with Frontity.

Feel free to share your ideas, give feedback and discuss features in any other relevant categories. Help us make this a great open place for sharing knowledge. :slight_smile:

To get notified of major updates and community news, join our newsletter here.

Oh, and don’t forget to star :star2: our GitHub repo if you haven’t already!