Frontity release: First stable version of Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager and Comscore packages

New features

  • First stable version of @frontity/google-analytics package.

  • First stable version of @frontity/comscore-analytics package.

  • First stable version of @frontity/google-tag-manager-analytics package.

    Note that in this case, we’ve renamed the package to @frontity/google-tag-manager-analytics so it deprecates @frontity/google-tag-manager package. Users updating to the new version have to update their triggers and tags in their GTM containers in order to match the new format for pageviews.

  • First stable version of @frontity/analytics library (Feature Discussion), which is used by the analytics packages.The main differences with the previous version are:

    • In , the namespace array is replaced by two objects that will contain the namespaces with a boolean value: pageviews and events . This allow users to have more control over which analytics packages should send pageviews or events, and it can also be configured in frontity.settings.js .
    • In , the sendPageview and sendEvent actions are renamed to pageview and event respectively.
    • Pageview page property is now link .
    • Event event property is now name .
  • Add a Slot component which can be used to fulfill the “Slot and Fill” pattern.

  • New <Link> component that allows theme developers to use it without having to create one or manually deal with the router.

  • Add support for ads.txt in the now-builder. Thanks @JmcGraphics for the Pull Request #24!

Bug fixes

  • Filter the when prop from the Switch component children #362.

    • Thanks @goiblas for the Pull Request #503!
    • Packages affected:
      • @frontity/components
  • Remove the tsNode.register() from the CLI #355.

    • Pull Request #501.
    • Packages affected:
      • frontity
      • @frontity/core
  • Use React.ElementType instead of the deprecated React.ReactType.

    • Pull Request #475.
    • Packages affected:
      • @frontity/types
  • Fix the types of connect when imported from frontity and used with options, like:

    import { connect } from "frontity";
    const Component = () = {
      /* Some React component... */
    export default connect(Component, { injectProps: false });
    • Pull Request #508.
    • Packages affected:
      • @frontity/connect
      • @frontity/types

:bulb: To keep Frontity and its packages updated, you can follow this guide of our documentation.

Packages Changelog


Major Changes

Patch Changes


Major Changes

This package was renamed from @frontity/google-tag-manager to @frontity/google-tag-manager-analytics to remark that it belongs to the Frontity analytics packages.

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • 2fb73fc7 #472 Thanks @DAreRodz! - Release the first stable version of @frontity/analytics library (Feature Discussion).The main differences with the previous version are:
    • In , the namespace array is replaced by two objects that will contain the namespaces with a boolean value: pageviews and events . This allow users to have more control over which analytics packages should send pageviews or events, and it can also be configured in frontity.settings.js .
    • In , the sendPageview and sendEvent actions are renamed to pageview and event respectively.
    • Pageview page property is now link .
    • Event event property is now name .

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • 559b3c5a #507 - Introduces the <Link> component. Theme authors can now use the Link component without having to create one or manually deal with the router.

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • 496192cc #472 Thanks @luisherranz! - Deprecate @frontity/google-tag-manager in favor of @frontity/google-tag-manager-analytics .

This package was renamed from @frontity/google-tag-manager to @frontity/google-tag-manager-analytics to remark that it belongs to the Frontity analytics packages.


Patch Changes

import { connect } from "frontity";
const Component = () = {
  /* Some React component... */
export default connect(Component, { injectProps: false });


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

import { connect } from "frontity";
const Component = () = {
  /* Some React component... */
export default connect(Component, { injectProps: false });