Translate forum and posts to your language

We have added support for translations in the forum using Google Translate API! :earth_americas:

This means two things:

  • You can select your own language for the forum.
  • You can translate the posts written in a different language than yours.

If you don’t feel comfortable writing posts in English, you can write in your own language and other users will be able to translate them. We still recommend you to try to communicate in English, as it will be the language spoken by the majority of the community, but if you feel you will be better understood in another language, there will be no problem!

These are the steps you should follow:


1. Go to your profile preferences at the top menu


2. Go to interface and select the language you want.


If there is a post that was written in a different language than the one you have selected before, the forum will automatically detect it and at the end of the post, you will find an icon to translate it. Just click on it, it is that simple :grin: