The Build API

Another thing we need to think about is our old

At a first glance we need to offer the developers these things:

  • site-name
  • mode: default or amp
  • rendering: csr or ssr
  • list of packages: both namespace and real package names
  • initialUrl
  • publicPath (or an alternative name)

I don’t know if they should be mixed with the general settings or not. And if they are not mixed, maybe we can come up with a better name than build.

I am going to use settings.frontity for this and for the other general settings defined in frontity.settings.js (name, mode, url, timezone, language…).

This is the state.frontity we are going to start with:

state: {
  name: "my-site",
  mode: "amp",
  initial: {
    path: "/category/nature",
    page: 2,
  platorm: "server",
  packages: ["my-theme", "@frontity/wp-source"],