Sprint 11 Planning
This sprint will go from January 26th to February 24th. This is going to be our focus:
Finish the WIP issues:
- Finish the Infinite Scroll version 1.
- BrowserStack - Cypress tests.
- BrowserStack - Selenium tests.
- Research - Server Extensibility.
- Migrate Frontity Connect to RES.
High priority bugs
fails with links with query params for certain handlers. - REST API - Head Tags doesn’t work with AIOSEOP ^4.0.0.
AMP package - beta version
Based on this implementation proposal:
- Move all the CSS to the head
- Expose the HTML template, the render function and the App in libraries.
- Overwrite the HTML template.
- Change the render to be renderToStaticMarkup.
- Remove /amp from link in actions.source.fetch and state.source.get.
- Create minimum amount of AMP processors.
It isn’t included here but we want to start analyzing which functionalities we should include for a Consent Management Platforms solution and open a proper Feature Discussion. There is a lot of uncertainty on this regard so we have to investigate it first.
Apart from this, if we still have time, we would like to start a conversation about the best way to approach a fallback for old browsers where only Server Side Rendering is available (IE).