AMP package

Yeah, I think that order of action is perfect :slightly_smiling_face:

Although it seems we’re not going to be able to include any of these in this sprint, this is the initial estimation we did:

  1. Expose the HTML template, the render function and the App in libraries - 5pt
  2. Add a context to beforeCSR , similar to the context passed to beforeSSR - 5pt
  3. Overwrite the HTML template - 5pt
  4. Move all the CSS to the <head> - 5pt
  5. Change the render to be renderToStaticMarkup - 3pt.

Here we could release the first beta version, which means 18pts.

  1. Create minimum amount of AMP processors (the main ones we select) - 13pt
  2. Remove /amp from link in actions.source.fetch and state.source.get - 3pt

We could do this little by little, there would be 16pt more.

  1. Make the themes amp-aware - 21pt.
  2. Setting to change the entry point of the packages of a site - 8pt.
  3. Setting to change which bundles are generated (client and/or server) - 8pt.
  4. Allow packages to modify the settings of a site. - 13pt.
  5. Add frontity.config.js file for setting the previous steps in the @frontity/amp package - 3pt.

There would be 53pt more until we make these optimizations. At this point it could even be the v1.

  1. Support for package priorities (add priority to amp package). - 8pt.

Ok, thanks @santosguillamot!

Some updates:

  1. I’ve decided we should go with libraries.frontity because:

    • Adding ctx to the client means adding a new concept, while people already know about libraries.
    • It is consistent with state.frontity where we expose data about the current site.
  2. I forgot to add that we should also update some packages to make them AMP-aware, like the analytics packages: @frontity/comscore-analytics, @frontity/google-analytics, @frontity/google-tag-manager--analytics.

  3. I have fixed the code snippet of the section Moving CSS to the <head>.

@nicholasio.oliveira, these is a summary of what needs to be done for the AMP package:

Frontity Core

AMP package

  • Modify the HTML template

    This should also be simple, as it’d be to use the init or beforeSSR action of the package to modify libraries.frontity.template to a function like this one:

  • Change the render to be renderToStaticMarkup

    This is also trivial. Just using the same init or beforeSSR action to modify libraries.frontity.reder to the ReactDOM’s renderToStaticMarkup.

  • Move all the CSS to the <head>

    This is the trickiest part, but we have already done so with success, like I explained in the Move CSS to the section of the Implementation Proposal above. It shouldn’t take long as it’d mean we need to replicate what we already had in the very first version of Frontity.

With those features you should be able to render AMP sucessfully with a @frontity/amp package.

Extra things

  • Make your theme AMP aware

    Of course, you need to make sure your theme is AMP aware. The @frontity/amp package can create a state.amp object that React components can check to see if an amp package is present or not.

  • Create processors to make the post content AMP aware

    We did that in the past. They are not that many to be honest. For example, this was the processor and component for SoundCloud:

    More processors here:

  • Remove /amp from the internal source actions

    If the URL needs to be, we’d also need to remove the /amp from link in actions.source.fetch and state.source.get.

    We decided we are going to hardcode it in the v1 of source because it’s not possible to do it through the AMP package, although that will be solved in the v2 of source.

    This is not required if the URL is a subdomain or a query

    It should not be hard to do, a couple of lines of code.

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It’d be interesting to see if it’d be possible to integrate Frontity with styling libraries that require SSR steps like Material-UI (SSR instructions) after exposing these parts.

@cristianbote and I have done a video to go over all the tasks that need to be accomplished for the AMP package:

cc: @dev-team and anyone else that wants to help us out with a PR :slightly_smiling_face:

In my mind I think this suits all of what we’ve been looking at while satisfying the need for defining an AMP package. I’ve tried to boil down the customisations in this drawing:,HRh2W3l7ljVzjOzRGgXD4g (let’s be real though, nowhere as cool as Luis’s diagrams :sweat_smile: ).


Let’s break down the changes on each of the context:


In order to enable users to define they’re own app shell we should expose a way to do that. Based on the previous IP and FD the way to do that was to expose on libraries. a special namespace to hold these properties. The namespace is called frontity.

The App needs to be a functional component. That functional component will receive a prop named App. The functional component needs to include App in it’s tree, because App is the main root component that is being rendered.

Let’s look at an example:

export default {
  // [...] rest of the .settings.js
  actions: {
    theme: {
      beforeSSR({ libraries: { frontity } }) {

        // Custom `<App />`.
        // This will result in the `Root` of the theme to be wrapped in a `div`
        // with an id of "app"
        frontity.App = ({ App }) => (
          <div id="app">
            <App />

Of course, this will result in an hydration warning and a subsequent client side render. Not great. So, in order to achieve the proper hydration the user needs to be able to define the same App component on the client. So, that’s why we have beforeCSR. Everything put together this is how it’ll look:

function WrappedApp({ App }) {
  return (
    <div id="app">
      <App />

export default {
  // [...] rest of the .settings.js
  actions: {
    theme: {
      beforeSSR({ libraries: { frontity } }) {

        // Only the reference is needed
        frontity.App = WrappedApp;
      beforeCSR({ libraries: { frontity } }) {

        // Same as beforeSSR. Only the reference.
        frontity.App = WrappedApp;


This refers to the render function that Frontity should use to render the React app. Same as App, render function receives the App as a functional component and also the defaultRenderer function, that represent the default serialiser that Frontity uses to convert JSX to html.

Why the need for defaultRenderer
defaultRenderer is useful for the case where you don’t need to handle the actual rendering to string but only wrapping with providers the main App component, like for example emotion, and handle the results inside the template function. More on that later.

Let’s look at an example of how one can handle the render of their App.

export default {
  // [...] rest of the .settings.js
  actions: {
    theme: {
      beforeSSR({ libraries: { frontity } }) {

        // Let's say you want to 'custom' render your app with special tags.
        frontity.render = ({ App }) => {
          const html = renderToString(<App />);
          // You can manipulate or change your html result as you wish.
          html += '<my-custom-tag>I have a custom tag</my-custom-tag>';
          return html;

The above examples it’s a pretty simple one, as it only does some minor modifications to the result. But let’s look at a real life scenario with emotion.

import { CacheProvider } from "@emotion/react";
import createEmotionServer from "@emotion/server/create-instance";
import createCache from "@emotion/cache";

export default {
  // [...] rest of the .settings.js
  actions: {
    theme: {
      beforeSSR({ libraries: { frontity } }) {

        // Let's say you want to 'custom' render your app with special tags.
        frontity.render = ({ App, defaultRenderer }) => {
          const key = "frontity";
          const cache = createCache({ key });
          const { extractCritical } = createEmotionServer(cache);
          // Call the extractCritical. This will return an object as { html, ids, css }
          const { html, ids, css } = extractCritical(
            // `defaultRenderer` is the default serialiser that Frontity uses internally.
              <CacheProvider value={cache}>
                <App />
          return `
            <style data-emotion="${key} ${ids.join(' ')}">${css}</style>

Even though the above it is more real, it is not ideal as the <style> tag needs to be rendered in the <head> section. So we need a way to customise the html template.


As we’ve seen so far, the .template function it’s quite vital to accomplish a fully extensible way to define one’s custom html output. The template is a function that is called with the render method result, a defaultTemplate function and a few lists that hold the head tags, named head, the body scripts and the html and body attributes, htmlAttributes and bodyAttributes.

Let’s build on the above example with emotion’s moving the generated <style> tag to the <head> section.

import { CacheProvider } from "@emotion/react";
import createEmotionServer from "@emotion/server/create-instance";
import createCache from "@emotion/cache";

export default {
  // [...] rest of the .settings.js
  actions: {
    theme: {
      beforeSSR({ libraries: { frontity } }) {

        // Let's say you want to 'custom' render your app with special tags.
        frontity.render = ({ App, defaultRenderer }) => {
          const key = "frontity";
          const cache = createCache({ key });
          const { extractCritical } = createEmotionServer(cache);
          // Call the extractCritical. This will return an object as { html, ids, css }
          const result = extractCritical(
            // `defaultRenderer` is the default serialiser that Frontity uses internally.
              <CacheProvider value={cache}>
                <App />
          // We can safely return here the emotion critical call result
          // since we're gonna handle this result ourselves.
          return {
        // Custom `template` function.
        frontity.template = ({ result, head, defaultTemplate, }) => {
          // We grab the resulted html, ids, css and the cache key.
          const { html, ids, css, key } = result;
          // And we push to the `head` the new style tag.
            `<style data-emotion="${key} ${ids.join(' ')}">${css}</style>`
          // And we then pass along the rest of the arguments
          // with the new `head` and the `html`.
          return defaultTemplate({

And we are done! Now our server side rendering will extract the critical css, move it to head and return the html.


These options are really powerful. I am so in awe with what it can be achieved. For example regarding styling, even though Frontity does come with emotion by default, you can use anything you’d like, because now you can handle the server side extraction.

More importantly though this will allow for an amp package to be built with ease.

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And you also have the init action which runs before the beforeSSR and beforeCSR actions, both in the client and server :+1:

Inside that action, if you need to, you can differenciate between server and client using state.frontity.platform. You can also export different init functions using src/client.js and src/server.js.

I have a question about the defaultRenderer: How well it would handle multiple packages?

Let’s imagine the case of two packages that add their own logic to the render:

// package-1
export default {
  actions: {
    package1: {
      beforeSSR({ libraries: { frontity } }) {
        frontity.render = ({ App, defaultRenderer }) => {
          const html = defaultRenderer(<App />);
          html += "<tag>Package 1</tag>";
          return html;

// package-2
export default {
  actions: {
    package2: {
      beforeSSR({ libraries: { frontity } }) {
        frontity.render = ({ App, defaultRenderer }) => {
          const html = defaultRenderer(<App />);
          html += "<tag>Package 2</tag>";
          return html;

If I’m not mistaken, the <tag>Package 1</tag> tag won’t appear, because frontity.render will be overwritten by the package-2.

Did you think about this?

Also, what do you think about exposing the things that we pass to the template in libraries as well? That way packages won’t have to overwrite the template to add things to the head, for example.

Something like this, inside the libraries.frontity.render function itself:

  `<style data-emotion="${key} ${ids.join(" ")}">${css}</style>`

Oh, indeed! Let me think about it. I’ll get back with a proposal.

That would be really useful indeed. Not particular for emotion in our case, but I can see this easily be the case to push 1st or 3rd party scripts with ease.

Alrighty, so this is achievable but only on the packages side. As it is proposed and implemented right now, Frontity only reads the properties defined on .frontity namespace. That means effectively one package can override previously defined ones. This is not a drawback in my opinion as these three properties are quite flexible and one needs to be careful about them.

In the case of multiple .render methods, each package should check of a previous value of frontity.render and depending on what exactly it’s needed to be achieved should call the previously defined method. Example:

export default {
  name: "baz",
  actions: {
    baz: {
      beforeSSR({ libraries: { frontity } }) {
        // Hold the previous render in a reference
        const previousRender = frontity.render;

        // Define the new method
        frontity.render = ({ App, defaultRenderer, }) => {
          // In this case we want to wrap the App with a `<baz>` element
          // but we could imagine this a provider as well,
          // but in that case `.App` should be used instead.
          let BazApp = () => (
              <App />

          // If there's a previousRender defined pass along the new BazApp
          if (previousRender) {
            return previousRender({
              App: BazApp,

          // If not use the `defaultRenderer`
          return defaultRenderer(<BazApp />);

Another option is that we could change the .render API surface to instead be a queue. So that would look something like this.

frontity.setRender(({ App, defaultRenderer }) => {
  return defaultRenderer(<App />);

But this will not be more effective in handling multiple .render definitions.

With the .render method we allow total control of the rendering to a package. And because that means we can not determine how a package will handle it’s own rendering – either using defaultRenderer or it’s own renderer – I don’t believe there’s an API surface that will allow multiple render definitions in a sane way.

But I wanna explore something before settling this. :sweat_smile:

Ok, I’ve recorded a loom explaining my reasoning

Let me know what you think.

Great explanation Cristian, thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, I also think we could go with the wrapper pattern for now and see what happens. We still need to add priorities to the packages, so those who need to go first or last can define it.

I have one question though: What is the benefit of a defaultRender variable? If the default render is populated in libraries.frontity.render before we run the middleware/actions, wouldn’t that be the same?

Something like this:

export default {
  name: "baz",
  actions: {
    baz: {
      beforeSSR({ libraries: { frontity } }) {
        // libraries.frontity.render already points to the default renderer.
        const previousRender = frontity.render;

        frontity.render = ({ App, }) => {
          let BazApp = () => (
              <App />

          return previousRender({
            App: BazApp,

I’ve just realized that differentiating between AMP/not-AMP paths in the code that removes /amp from the links (this issue) is not needed at all.

The way the @frontity/amp package is going to work is with a new site:

export default [
    name: "normal-site",
    packages: [
      // Normal packages.
    name: "amp-site",
    match: "\\/amp\\/?($|\\?|#)"
    packages: [
      // Normal packages.

It is going to be done that way because an optimized site should not have additional AMP code added to its bundle. With different sites, we can create independent bundles.

The way to load the AMP site is with a match. The usual configurations are:

  • An subdomain.
  • An ?amp=true query.
  • An ending /amp path.

The /amp path will always load the AMP site, so things like /category/amp will always match.

This means that the /amp option doesn’t support using amp for a term or post slug. When people need that, they have to either:

  • Choose another option (subdomain or query).
  • Add it manually to the match regexp.

We should add a warning about this limitation in the documentation when explaining the /amp option.

You are right, the frontity.render does hold the default render method so one can do just that, easily.

The only benefit of defaultRenderer method is that the package author would not have to ensure the passing of the arguments since the serializer has already been defined. That translates to something in the line of, if the user has no entry points, the defaultRenderer will call renderToStaticMarkup instead and not collect the chunks, and so on.

How I see it, render should be used only when the functionality needs to do something after the App has been serialized to a string. If the functionality only needs to wrap the App with providers/custom elements, the App component should be overwritten instead and let frontity handle the render.

Do you see the closure capture pattern as a better one? I have no preferences or strong opinions really and my guess is that this will apply to template as well.

Actually I think the closure capture pattern will enforce a model of always having to call the previous methods, so it’s gonna be an imperative call and the expectancy will be set accordingly.

:+1: thanks for the feedback @luisherranz :smiley: gonna update the implementation and not send the default<method> at all.

Interesting :slightly_smiling_face:

To be honest, my plan was to:

  1. Expose the different parts and let packages overwrite/wrap them, depending on the case.
  2. Add priorities. Because if a package needs to overwrite, like AMP, it needs to be executed first or it will erase the wrappers.

But maybe we can have a call next week to discuss the different use cases and how each approach would work in each case :+1:

Got some more updates and I’ve managed to achieve the closure capture pattern seamlessly! :slightly_smiling_face: Really comfortable now that the packages are forced now to use this pattern, that will not lead to inconsistencies to the output.

The final package implementation for AMP would looks like this:

import { CacheProvider } from "@emotion/react";
import createEmotionServer from "@emotion/server/create-instance";
import createCache from "@emotion/cache";

export default {
  // [...] rest of the .settings.js
  actions: {
    theme: {
      beforeSSR({ libraries: { frontity } }) {

        // Get the previous reference
        const previousRender = frontity.render;

        // Let's say you want to 'custom' render your app with special tags.
        frontity.render = ({ App, }) => {
          const key = "frontity";
          const cache = createCache({ key });
          const { extractCritical } = createEmotionServer(cache);
          // Call the extractCritical. This will return an object as { html, ids, css }
          const result = extractCritical(
            // `previousRender` is the default render method that Frontity uses internally.
              App: () => (
                <CacheProvider value={cache}>
                  <App />
          // We can safely return here the emotion critical call result
          // since we're gonna handle this result ourselves.
          return {
        const previousTemplate = frontity.template;        

        // Custom `template` function.
        frontity.template = ({ result, head, }) => {
          // We grab the resulted html, ids, css and the cache key.
          const { html, ids, css, key } = result;
          // And we push to the `head` the new style tag.
            `<style data-emotion="${key} ${ids.join(' ')}">${css}</style>`
          // And we then pass along the rest of the arguments
          // with the new `head` and the `html`.
          return previousTemplate({

Awesome :slightly_smiling_face:

There is one thing I didn’t include in the IP but maybe it makes sense: Expose the inners of the template in libraries.

  • libraries.frontity.head.title
  • libraries.frontity.head.meta
  • libraries.frontity.head.script
  • …

Then, when we get the ones generated in React, we either overwrite them or merge them:

const head = getHeadTags(helmetContext.helmet);

// Maybe overwrite some values.
libraries.frontity.head.title = head.title;

// And merge others.
libraries.frontity.head.meta += head.meta;
libraries.frontity.head.script += head.script; +=;

I wonder if we can use this to hook from the AMP into the and refactor it in a way that all the styles end up inside the single <style amp-custom> tag.