First of all, you’ve published the “development” version instead of the “production” version. I don’t know if that’s intentional, but just in case:
Development: npx frontity dev
Production: npx frontity build
You should do npx frontity dev when you are developing in your computer because you’ll get proper error messages, autorefresh (HMR) and so on. But once you want to upload your code to production, use npx frontity build. If you need to run Frontity in a Node server (instead of deploying to a serverless service) use npx frontity build && npx frontity serve.
You can distinguish between both versions because the development version tries to connect to a webpack endpoint: and because the main javascript bundle is much bigger (10Mb in your case).
It shouldn’t be difficult once we add the server extensibility, which is one of our next steps because it’s needed for other packages as well. I think I’m going to be able to dedicate some time during this month. Once the server extensibility is ready, the "@frontity/material-ui" package should be really easy to do.
I will be able to give you instructions to create it yourself in case you want to get involved. But you cannot start until the server extensibility is ready.
Hey @aeyzazkhan. If you need this feature right now, my recommendation is to do the SSR of Material UI yourself until we release the official package. You can either:
Fork @frontity/core.
Use something like patch-package to change the files.
Hey @furrysmile2, not yet but I think it’ll be possible once we do some changes required for the @frontity/amp package: AMP package, which is in “Upcoming development” so coming soon
Once we’ve done that work I’ll come back here to see if it’s already possible or we have to expose more things.