I have some problems like for example the image not be found when I deploy it
I would like to use sass or have control with the autoprefixer but I do not know how to customize webpack even though I understand that the problem is mine because I still do not feel comfortable with emotion, I love CSS
I’d love to contribute so I’ve sent you a small PR to add transitions and save the theme mode in localStorage. I’m really bad at CSS so transitions are kind of clunky
I’ve also seen that you made an Html2React processor for the pre element. That’s awesome
For what I see, the react-syntax-highlighter library is quite big: 790kbs in the production bundle:
(by the way, you can take a look at the /build/analyze/module-production.html file after doing a production build with npx frontity build)
So it’d be an excellent opportunity for code-splitting. That means that the react-syntax-highlighter won’t be downloaded unless users happen to be in a blog post with a pre tag.
If you want, we can help you with that. And I also think it could be a good example for a guide in our docs as well.
I see that you’ve configured autodeploys of Now in Github. It doesn’t make sense that you need to keep your /build folder in GitHub to make it work. Sorry about that. We need to improve the Now file/builder.
I have created a proper builder for Now. That means the npx frontity build happens on the cloud, not on your computer and you can put the build folder in your gitignore file.
I have not published it yet to npm but I’ll try to do it as soon as possible
You should be able to remove all the files of your /build folder, add build to the .gitignore file so they don’t get committed to github, change the now.json file, and get new deploys each time you push code to github.