Integrate Bootstrap & react-picker

I am struggling for integration of Frontity with react-picker and boostrap.
Can Frontity be customizable with those or i’m just waisting my time in trying this route?

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You can use both bootstrap or react-picker without any problem with Frontity.

The only problem right now is how to import the CSS using Emotion.

We are going to work on a solution as stated here:

Something like this:

import { Global, css } from 'frontity';
import Picker from 'react-picker';
import pickerStyles from "react-picker/css/picker.css";

const MyTheme = () => (
    <Global styles={css(pickerStyles)} />
    <Picker />

We’ll let you know once it’s ready :slight_smile:


PR on progress:

@Ucan the PR was already merged in Frontity v1.

Could you please update using

> npm update

and let us know if it works?