I want some functionalities override with npm_modules with component files then?

I have one little question for the Team…

If I want to change/replace some functionalities override with npm_modules with component files then how can I do it?

Like, if I want to set bg color on a dynamic image then I did some code on “node_modules/@frontity/components/image.tsx” file, so on compare can I do something in the components file???

Thank You.

Hi, disclaimer: I’m not part of the dev team.

I’m not sure that understood your question 100%, I’m interpreting that you want to override some part of the core functionality of frontity with custom code, if that’s the case you can do what I did on Auth - how to configure basic auth on all my calls - #6 by sebastian (basically you can use your own version of a module to “replace” a module of frontity on the package.json) but is not a recommended practice (actually I would say it is the opposite!) and it should be avoided at all costs, specially on a real production-ready application / site.