Frontity release: WordPress native comments support and new Yoast package

New features

  • Release the first beta version of the default WordPress Comments package, which allows you to fetch the comments of a post, and submit new ones, in a really easy way.

    Here we have a demo (10mins) of how it works and its functionalities:

And a Codesandbox where you can find an example about how to implement them. We recommend you to point it to your own WordPress site, so you can test the different settings and submit new comments (it isn’t currently allowed in

  • Support for Yoast plugin REST API fields. The Yoast team added support for the REST API in the 14.0 version of their plugin, and we’ve created a package, @frontity/yoast, that fetches and populates your Frontity app with these fields.

    This means that if you are using Yoast ^14.0, you should use this new package. And, if you’re using a previous version where the REST API is not supported by the Yoast plugin, or you use other SEO plugin, you can use the @frontity/head-tags package.

    Here we have a quick demo:


  • Implement the e2e testing system when WordPress instances are required, which will help us to go faster and make the framework more reliable.
  • You can use now the default Google Tag Manager events like clicks, that weren’t working properly in @frontity/google-tag-manager-analytics. #551
  • Add a processors prop to the Html2React component which overrides the processors defined in libraries.html2react.processors for that specific element. #548
  • Add the new types required for wp-comments. #542
  • Remove all the short flags from the CLI commands. #540

Bug fixes

  • Fix a bug rendering head tags for links that were not ready the first time they were visited.Also, some TypeScript refactor was done along with TSDocs. #548
  • Revert a change introduced in #542. Keep setting query , link and route on all entities (including non-URL entities) in #571
  • Add a derived prop in state.source called entity that returns the entity pointed by a given link. #548
  • Add support for non-URL resources e.g. WordPress comments. #542
  • Do not import URL from frontity anymore. #566
  • Deprecate the --publicPath CLI arg of the npx frontity dev and npx frontity build commands in favor of --public-path to be consistent with the rest of the arguments.It also adds a log to those commands, along with the already existing mode and target logs. #541
  • Fix environment variable names that were missing the middle command name in the create and create-package commands: from FRONTITY_NAME (wrong) to FRONTITY_CREATE_NAME (right). #545
  • Deprecate the URL import from "frontity" in favor of the new URL global that is now present in both the browser and Node 10+. #543
  • Fix two bugs with --no-prompt actually prompting in the create and create-package commands. #545
  • Update chalk version. #550
  • Fix URL class wrapper in Safari. #566
  • Remove the unused minimist dependency and its types. #450
  • Relax maxEntrypointSize option of Webpack’s performance (#547) to:
    • 5Mbs for the server bundle.
    • 500Kbs for the client bundles.

:bulb: To keep Frontity and its packages updated, you can follow this guide of our documentation.

Packages Changelog


Patch Changes


Major Changes

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • b12a1006 #548 Thanks @DAreRodz! - Add a processors prop to the Html2React component which overrides the processors defined in libraries.html2react.processors for that specific element.


Minor Changes

Patch Changes

  • 5eaf92cc #548 Thanks @DAreRodz! - Add a derived prop in state.source called entity that returns the entity pointed by a given link.


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • 452c2e3c #551 Thanks @SantosGuillamot! - Add the script to load the Google Tag Manager container, that is needed to listen to default Google Tag Manager events.
  • Updated dependencies [ 10a3a977 ]:
    • frontity@1.11.1


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

Patch Changes

  • 611f3e2a #541 Thanks @luisherranz! - Deprecate the --publicPath CLI arg of the npx frontity dev and npx frontity build commands in favor of --public-path to be consistent with the rest of the arguments.It also adds a log to those commands, along with the already existing mode and target logs.

  • d95262df #545 Thanks @luisherranz! - Fix environment variable names that were missing the middle command name in the create and create-package commands: from FRONTITY_NAME (wrong) to FRONTITY_CREATE_NAME (right).

  • 6ece281a #543 Thanks @luisherranz! - Deprecate the URL import from "frontity" in favor of the new URL global that is now present in both the browser and Node 10+.

  • d95262df #545 Thanks @luisherranz! - Fix two bugs with --no-prompt actually prompting in the create and create-package commands.

  • 2a1a1f35 #550 Thanks @luisherranz! - Update chalk version.

  • 10a3a977 #566 Thanks @luisherranz! - Fix URL class wrapper in Safari.


Minor Changes

Patch Changes

  • 611f3e2a #541 Thanks @luisherranz! - Deprecate the --publicPath CLI arg of the npx frontity dev and npx frontity build commands in favor of --public-path to be consistent with the rest of the arguments.It also adds a log to those commands, along with the already existing mode and target logs.
  • f4f20007 #450 Thanks @michalczaplinski! - Remove the unused minimist dependency and its types.
  • 94a1c41c #547 Thanks @luisherranz! - Relax maxEntrypointSize option of Webpack’s performance to:
    • 5Mbs for the server bundle.
    • 500Kbs for the client bundles.