Frontity release: Fix Frontity not working on Windows


  • As part of the AMP feature, we have made the Image component from @frontity/components AMP-aware and remove the Intersection Observer fallback which used to lazily load images in the absence of native lazy loading. #826


  • Fix Webpack/TS-Node excludes not working on Windows. #840
  • Fix transpilation of frontity.config.js files in external packages. #837
  • Refactor createSymlinks to use a custom implementation of fs-extra's readFile function. #843


Huge thanks to @michalczaplinski, @DAreRodz and @luisherranz for helping on this release! :tada:

Packages changelog


Minor Changes

  • 2f988427 #826 Thanks @michalczaplinski! - Make the Image component from @frontity/components AMP-aware and remove the Intersection Observer fallback which used to lazily load images in the absence of native lazy loading.


Patch Changes

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