Frontity release: Beta version of Smart AdServer package

New features

  • First beta version of the Smart Ad package . It allows users to connect their ads from this server in a really easy way, just including the information needed in the frontity.settings.js file.

    This package, as other ads packages, uses the Slot and Fills pattern, so you can take a look at the Google Ad Manager demo, where there is an example of this approach. The implementation of the Smart Ad package is pretty similar, you just have to change the frontity.settings.js file to match your own props. You can see an example at the same Feature Discussion.

Bug fixes

  • Do not call actions.source.fetch() if it doesn’t exist. #569
  • Fix data.isHome when the state.source.homepage option is set. #599
  • Fix an error that happens when an inline script evaluation returns a value.See #592. #593

Packages Changelog


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Patch Changes


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