WordPress 5.6 “Simone”

How is the compatibility with WordPress 5.6 “Simone”

And what about a WordPress installment running PHP 8?

Hi @Kent,

WordPress updates use to be retro-compatible so everything should work fine. Also, Frontity depends only on REST API regarding Wordpress so as long as there are no major changes in the structure of the REST API and its endpoints, everything will continue working as expected.

Again, as Frontity depends mostly on WordPress REST API, the PHP version where WordPress is running shouldn’t affect at all.

Ok, thought maybe it could affect Gutenberg…

Don’t know about this.
@luisherranz any thoughts here?

I guess the only thing that could be outdated whenever you update WordPress or Gutenberg is Gutenberg’s CSS. So if your theme imports the Gutenberg CSS (/wp-includes/css/dist/block-library/style.min.css) you could have to update it.

Frontity depends only on REST API regarding WordPress so as long as there are no major changes in the structure of the REST API and its endpoints

This should not happen because the REST API is versioned. So if they want to introduce breaking changes the have to use version 3 and the endpoint will be /wp-json/wp/v3 :slightly_smiling_face: