Why WordPress doesn't show widget area in dashboard?

Hello there,
I have design a website like Wordfeud helper. I am facing a problem with my WordPress dashboard. There is no option of widget in Appearance on WordPress dashboard. Kindly guide me about it why it happened.
Regards: Maria Cleh.

Widget Areas are normally defined in the theme (functions.php), however Frontity is not a theme or uses any WP themes to display the frontend.

You could create a plugin which defines the widget areas instead, but (afaik) does Frontity not use them unless you code them in your Frontity theme.

Widgets option in Appearance tab is the default feature of wordpress. If you cannot see it, then it either means the user with which you are logged in to the wordpress dashboard doesn’t have permission to access the widgets section or some Plugin/Theme is blocking the access to the widgets section . I have also solve this problem for WhatsApp Mod Apk.