Which education theme can be used on frontity?

I want to built a education site using frontity framework.
so please suggest which theme can I use for my education site that will be compatible with frontity reactjs and wordpress
I will be purchasing the theme from themeforest, so I need to confirm which theme can work with frontity framework

Please suggest something, as I need to work on it at earliest.

Is there anyone who can help me here?
please ans, I’m waiting for reply from your team.

WordPress education theme available if you want to use.

Thanks for your reply.
can you please provide me with link or path to check the theme?

Its been so long no one replied to my issue, if you don’t have the answer you should let us know, so that we will not wait for your reply back.

Frontity does not work with WP themes. Frontity uses the WP REST API to work, so you need to build the whole theme by yourself using the endpoints of WP. If some plugin that is specific to education sites is integrated with the WP REST API, then you can use it as the backend, but still you need to build the whole frontend with Frontity by yourself.

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Well, that is quite disappointing!!! Not everyone is that good at these things.

I have purchased one react js theme, will that work on frontity?

@sarika I’d say probably not. But to be honest I don’t know what you mean by React theme.

Frontity has their own theme packages. If what you bought is a UI framework for React, then you can build your theme using that UI framework, otherwise I don’t think that will work.

@sandersbud4 I’m sorry you find the development experience with Frontity difficult. You’ll probably find solutions that require no code on Google that might better suit your needs.

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I have purchased this theme: Edulyn - React Education Template by snazzy-theme | ThemeForest

let me know if i can use it on frontity.

@sarika No, you cannot use it on Frontity.

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ok, thanks for letting me know.

As you said frontity has its own theme package, so can you suggest any education theme package on frontity?

I’m afraid there are none to my knowledge.

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I did not mean to offend everyone. I am just here for the learning purposes.