[Upcoming Workshop] How to Create a React Theme in 30 min - WordCamp for Devs in Seville

Hi there!

The first WordCamp for Devs is coming up in a few days in Seville (Spain). :woman_technologist:

@David and @luisherranz from the Frontity team will be giving a workshop on “How to Create a React Theme in less than 30 min” on Friday 4th of October at 17:45 PM.

If you are planning to go to the conference, join them to learn more about Frontity and how to combine the power of a React frontend with WordPress. :muscle:

Please note that this event will be held in Spanish. Here’s more information: https://2019-developers.sevilla.wordcamp.org/session/crea-un-tema-con-react-en-menos-de-30-minutos/.