Unable to recive homepage

Hi guys!

Can anyone tell me why when I try to access on homepage in frontity project i receive this?

errorStatus: 404
errorStatusText: "You have tried to access content at route: / but it does not exist"
is404: true
isError: true
isFetching: false
isReady: true
link: "/"

This is a piece of my frontity.settings.js where i set homepage and postsPage:

      name: '@frontity/wp-source',
      state: {
        source: {
          url: wordpress url,
          homepage: '/homepage',
          postsPage: '/homepage-2',

And this is the configuration in wordpress admin dashboard:

Other page are ok, this is an example:

id: 76
isFetching: false
isPage: true
isPostType: true
isReady: true
link: "/wordpress/about-us/"
page: 1

Thanks for your help!

What happens if you add a trailing slash?


Hi @codemonkeynorth

Same problem.

In the url I still have /wordpress (to fix before release) and I don’t want that to be the problem I reach each page from /wordpress/pageName now, but in the future it will be only /pageName. But I don’t understand why i have no problem with others go down except the one I put as home. If from the wordpress settings I set another hompage, I still go wrong.

In state.source.url I have siteName.com:portNumber/wordpress/ (portNumber is present to have in siteName.com the frontity project and in siteName.com:portNumber the wordpress installation)

Try it like this and see if that works (from another discussion)

// Other props/packages were removed to simplify the code.
const settings = {
  name: "codesandbox-frontity",
  state: {
    frontity: {
      // The `/wordpress` subdirectory should be included in the Frontity URL.
      url: "http://sitename.com/wordpress",
  packages: [
      name: "@frontity/wp-source",
      state: {
        source: {
          url: "http://sitename.com/wordpress",
          subdirectory: "/wordpress",
          homepage: "homepage"

export default settings;

it works! thank you!
Can you send me the link of that discussion?

Other little question: is there any way to change the initial link of frontity?

Ignore the WPML problem as it doesn’t affect you

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