I’m trying to achieve a recursive menuItem. I was able to make a basic example with the following code:
* Navigation Component
* It renders the navigation links
const Nav = ({ state }) => {
const { items } = state.source.get("menus/2");
return (
{items.map(item => {
if (item.parent === 0) { //if it's a top level menuItem
return <NavItem key={item.id} items={items} item={item} />;
const NavItem = ({ items, item }) => {
const childItems = items.filter(({ parent }) => parent === item.id);
const name = item.title.rendered;
return (
<div key={item.id}>
{childItems.length > 0 && //If it has childrens do it recursive
childItems.map(childItem => {
const childChildItems = items.filter(
({ parent }) => parent === childItem.id,
return (
<NavItem key={childItem.id} items={items} item={childItem} />
export default connect(Nav);
However, I was not able to use libraries
and state
My code, what’s not working:
I moved the NavItem
to a separate file, so my nav.js
looks like:
import React from "react";
import { connect, styled } from "frontity";
import NavItem from "./nav-item";
* Navigation Component
* It renders the navigation links
const Nav = ({ state }) => {
const { items } = state.source.get("menus/2");
return (
{items.map(item => {
if (item.parent === 0) {
return <NavItem key={item.id} items={items} item={item} />;
export default connect(Nav);
const NavContainer = styled.nav` ...`;
And my nav-item.js
import React from "react";
import { connect } from "frontity";
import Link from "./link";
const NavItem = ({ state, libraries, items, item }) => {
const name = item.title.rendered;
const link = libraries.source.normalize(item.url); //without this line the code is working
const childItems = items.filter(({ parent }) => parent === item.id);
return (
<div key={item.id}>
{childItems.length > 0 &&
childItems.map(childItem => {
const childChildItems = items.filter(
({ parent }) => parent === childItem.id
return <NavItem key={childItem.id} items={items} item={childItem} />;
export default connect(NavItem);
The top-level NavItem
s does see state
and libraries
but the childItems are throwing the following error:
The above error occurred in the <NavItem> component:
in NavItem
in div
in Unknown
in nav (created by Context.Consumer)
in NavContainer
in Unknown
in Unknown
in div (created by Context.Consumer)
in HeadContainer
in Unknown (created by App)
in HelmetProvider (created by App)
in App
Consider adding an error boundary to your tree to customize error handling behavior.
Visit https://fb.me/react-error-boundaries to learn more about error boundaries. 3 backend.js:6:2315
r backend.js:6
React 9
batch scheduler.js:10
batchedUpdates$1 React
batch scheduler.js:10
batched scheduler.js:25
React 3
unstable_runWithPriority scheduler.development.js:697
React 5
unstable_runWithPriority scheduler.development.js:697
React 4
batch scheduler.js:10
batched scheduler.js:25
(Async: promise callback)
apply scheduler.js:42
asyncGeneratorStep index.tsx:10
_next index.tsx:10
_asyncToGenerator index.tsx:10
_asyncToGenerator index.tsx:10
default index.tsx:7
<anonymous> client.ts:37
<anonymous> client.ts:17
hotApply frontity.module.js:664
cb process-update.js:76
check process-update.js:91
batch scheduler.js:10
batchedUpdates$1 React
batch scheduler.js:10
batched scheduler.js:25
(Async: promise callback)
apply scheduler.js:42
check process-update.js:90
exports process-update.js:52
processMessage client.js:279
handleMessage client.js:139
handleMessage client.js:102
(Async: EventHandlerNonNull)
init client.js:91
EventSourceWrapper client.js:80
getEventSourceWrapper client.js:126
connect client.js:132
<anonymous> client.js:33
<anonymous> client.js:12
js frontity.module.js:2478
__webpack_require__ frontity.module.js:770
fn frontity.module.js:130
0 frontity.module.js:2702
__webpack_require__ frontity.module.js:770
<anonymous> frontity.module.js:908
<anonymous> frontity.module.js:911
TypeError: libraries is undefined
3 frontity.3b4107709437b24ece61.hot-update.js line 11 > eval:8:97
NavItem nav-item.js:7
React 4
batch scheduler.js:10
batchedUpdates$1 React
batch scheduler.js:10
batched scheduler.js:25
React 6
performSyncWorkOnRoot self-hosted:920
flushSyncCallbackQueueImpl React
unstable_runWithPriority scheduler.development.js:697
React 4
batch scheduler.js:10
batched scheduler.js:25
(Async: promise callback)
apply self-hosted:1875
apply scheduler.js:42
asyncGeneratorStep index.tsx:10
_next index.tsx:10
_asyncToGenerator index.tsx:10
_asyncToGenerator index.tsx:10
default index.tsx:7
<anonymous> client.ts:37
<anonymous> client.ts:17
<anonymous> self-hosted:876
hotApply frontity.module.js:664
cb process-update.js:76
check process-update.js:91
batch scheduler.js:10
batchedUpdates$1 React
batch scheduler.js:10
batched scheduler.js:25
(Async: promise callback)
apply self-hosted:1875
apply scheduler.js:42
check process-update.js:90
exports process-update.js:52
processMessage client.js:279
handleMessage client.js:139
handleMessage client.js:102
(Async: EventHandlerNonNull)
init client.js:91
EventSourceWrapper client.js:80
getEventSourceWrapper client.js:126
connect client.js:132
<anonymous> client.js:33
<anonymous> client.js:12
js frontity.module.js:2478
__webpack_require__ frontity.module.js:770
fn frontity.module.js:130
0 frontity.module.js:2702
__webpack_require__ frontity.module.js:770
<anonymous> frontity.module.js:908
<anonymous> frontity.module.js:911
TypeError: libraries is undefined
frontity.3b4107709437b24ece61.hot-update.js line 11 > eval:8:97
Edit: I also tried to connect the NavItem when I create it recursievely like:
return connect(
<NavItem key={childItem.id} items={items} item={childItem} />