Tutorial issue: No output to browser

Iā€™m following the tutorial. Iā€™ve gotten to this section:

ā€“ edit ā€“

I want to link to a page in the tutorial, but this forum has an automated block. When I try to post the link I get a message saying that I canā€™t post that link.

You should be able to find the link if you google ā€œfrontity tutorialā€ and ā€œconnect-the-root-component-to-the-stateā€

ā€“ edit ā€“

I added the example code. But Iā€™m not getting any output to my browser. Just a white screen. No errors in the js console.

I thought that maybe Iā€™d transcribed the code incorrectly in my editor, so I deleted what I had and just copypasted the snippet. There was still no output to my browser.

Just to make sure the browser was reloading, I did a manual browser refresh. Still no errors and no output.

Iā€™m running ā€˜npx frontity devā€™ in a terminal window. That isnā€™t showing any errors either.

What could be happening here?