The Frontity Admin

This is definitely not for the launch but I want to open a thread to discuss the future Frontity Admin and start sharing ideas.

What is the Frontity Admin

It’s a UI the developers can launch (yet to be decided how) and use to:

  • Login to Frontity community and new newsletter.
  • View the Overmind devtools to debug their code.
  • Quick access to Community and Docs.
  • List and install Frontity themes or extensions.
  • Configure settings of the installed theme and extensions.

More ideas are welcomed :slight_smile:

I’ve been thinking a lot and I think it’s crucial that the Frontity Admin works with For that reason, we can’t use electron, a chrome extension or another localhost port. It must run in the same localhost port than the main app.

My first ideas are:

I’ve just found that Vue has released a very similar local admin page called Vue UI:

Some inspiration from the article:

  • Let users choose between npm and yarn.
  • Mark Frontity packages as “official”.
  • Run tasks from the UI (dev, build…)
  • Show analyze to see package sizes of each chunk.

As mentioned in Lighthouse Summary we could add support for Lighthouse in Frontity Admin, so generated reports could be saved in the repo, and developers can see a history of audits and check if what they change is working or not.

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