Recommended Gutenberg extensions

Can I use or WPstackable or other Gutenberg extensions? They have custom blocks and additional properties.

Some blocks or block patterns are not rendered as it is in the editor

Am I missing something? Should I have to include their CSS as external CSS?

Also instead should I create custom block patterns or groups of blocks?

P.S When I tried using block patterns there were rendered well.

Hi @laxman.2903,

The main thing about these tools is that they generate automatic code that requires a specific set of CSS styles to be rendered properly.

So yes, you can use any tool you want in WordPress to generate your HTML. As long as you load the needed styles in Frontity, everything should work.

Here you have a video that explains how to load these CSS files in a Frontity project

Here you also have a Blog Post written by our Product Owner that explains how we have used WordPress content created using Gutenberg with Frontity

Hope this helps

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