PWA for my wordpress website

Hi Team,

I have a wordpress website which is being builded using DIVI theme. Now i need to convert this website to support PWA features. I thought of creating a react APP which will fetch contents using WP Rest API and i can build PWA features on top it. But i came across with create-react-wptheme and frontity , now i am in a confused state to proceed further. Will my requirement can be achieved if i use frontity ?


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Hello Anish!

Welcome to Frontity :slight_smile:

First, keep in mind that building a theme with Frontity will replace all the work done with DIVI. That being said, knowing if frontity fits your needs depends on what you understand by “PWA features”, there’s a similar thread from not long ago where we cover this: Recommended PWA approach

In any case, maybe you could just use plugins instead of rebuilding the whole theme from scratch. Not sure if your goal now is to migrate the site to React or just enable PWA capabilities to your current site.

If you give us more visibility on what you are trying to build, and what are your requirements we might be able to assist you better :blush:

Hi Pablo,

My urgent requirement is to convert my existing website to support PWA. I understand with frontity existing website cannot be converted. Instead I might have to use the plugin you have suggested in another post.

But when seeing the future new developments going to happen I want to know how much frontity will help me in full filling requirements.

As you all know how much powerful the divi theme is, so if I have to start a new site development with wordpres, divi and frontity what is the recommended approach to gain all of the above ones features together?

And more importantly I need Headless approach here.

Hope this gives visibility on what I am trying to build.


Exactly, if what you need right now is to add https + service workers + manifesto to your current site, what you need is a plugin like this one:

Frontity is focused on building your entire frontend using React. The PWA support is a feature that is not yet released. Take a look at these two topics:

I guess that you want to combine a React frontend built with Frontity with the DIVI Page builder, am I right?

We haven’t done many experiments combining Frontity with Page Builders yet. In any case, there’s already a discussion regarding the release of a @frontity/gutenberg package so you could easily use Gutenberg to build your site (check the progress here: Gutenberg Support).

I’m not an expert with the DIVI Page Builder, but I guess a similar package will be needed.

Can you elaborate this a bit more?

I guess that you want to combine a React frontend built with Frontity with the DIVI Page builder, am I right?

Exactly !!! This is what i need. What is the recommended approach to achieve this ? I have to create a frontity package to support DIVI ?

Can you elaborate this a bit more?

It will decouple front end and back end. Best example is the usage of wordpress REST API’s.

Hi @aneeshnair333 !

You wouldn’t need to create a frontity package to achieve this but you would have to add all the CSS files that come with DIVI to your frontity project. You can have a look a this discussion where it’s discussed in more details.

You could also have a look at the source of our new page where we used that approach to include the CSS of Gutenberg So you could use that same approach but including the assets that come with DIVI :slightly_smiling_face: