Problems with the auto-prefetch feature

Cool feature. I’m having trouble getting it working.

I updated all packages, then deleted node_modules, reinstalled. Added it to the theme object. Made sure was using the Link component.

Standard Nav with Link:


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following, because I also cant get it to work.


Here is my repo. I’m not sure what else I need to do for the auto prefetch to work.

I took a quick look at the repo you shared and it seems in the <Nav /> component for example, you are using the <Link /> component created for mars-theme, which was created before an official <Link /> component existed. This means that, in the places you want to use the official component instead of the mars-theme one, you have to import it from @frontity/components/link. For example, in this case, it would be:

import Link from "@frontity/components/link";

instead of:

import Link from "./link"

If you change all the links to use @frontity/components/link instead of the local one, you could even get rid of the local component.

We should probably substitute the <Link /> local components in both mars and twentytwenty and use @frontity/components/link instead, sorry for the confusion here.

Could you confirm if that’s your case @matthewbertweb and @justin please?

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Thank you!! That absolutely did the trick for me!


@SantosGuillamot Yea, that worked for me. Appreciate it!