This is a post to talk about possible sources for Frontity. Right now we have in mind these: REST API
This is the default REST API for self-hosted WordPress sites. REST API:
This is the REST API of the sites hosted on by Automattic.
- The idea of using as a free Headless CMSs for new blogs it’s very interesting because they won’t need to host a WP server themselves.
- Frontity would be also useful for big sites hosted in WordPress VIP (Techcrunch?
) WPGraphQL plugin:
This is a very interesting plugin that gives a GraphQL endpoint to WordPress.
- It may be more efficient for some type of queries that require more than one request in the REST API otherwise.
Other Headless CMSs (Contentful, Sanity…):
There are many other Headless CMS’s out there that offer APIs.
- It opens the door to no WordPress CMSs. REST API:
It looks like Ghost is exploring the Headless CMS possibilities. It may be interesting to see what’s their approach. For example, they have a webhook service which may be used to trigger a new deploy of static pages.