Post about how to manage redirections between Wordpress and Frontity


I’ve recently been configuring the web server where I have my main Wordpress installation, that serves its content to a Frontity app via API, my goal was to ensure that all traffic is always redirected to Frontity, except for the admin panel, the static files, and the wordpress API endpoints.

After doing it, I’ve written a small post about how to achieve it on Nginx. Not sure if this will help someone, as it is a very specific topic on a very specific environment, but here is the post :slight_smile:

BTW, apologies ‘cause the post is only in spanish.


Thanks for sharing @oriol! I’ll feature it in this month’s newsletter for greater reach. I’m sure it can be helpful for other users. :slight_smile:


Awesome post! Thanks @oriol :slight_smile: :clap: