Npm ERR! Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near

Has anyone run into the same problem installing Frontity on Windows??

So strange…

Can u post your environment details? (NodeJS and NPM version).

Maybe some type of cache clean can solve the problem, and if not, I would try to check which is your Node and Npm version, and update them to the latest stable one.

Also, the error log file should give us more details about in which file is failling NodeJs to parse the JSON :zipper_mouth_face:

BTW: There is an utility called “n”, to switch between node versions, not sure if it works under Windows. You can install it running the command “npm i -g n” and change your node version running “n versionNumberHere”.

Hi, thanks for your answer,
I already tried to update node to the latest version

this is the part of the complete log where it showcase the problem

By the way, the utility called “n” didn’t work for me.

I finally solved the problem
First, re-install node
then follow the solution here:
it shows how you can change the npm registry
just a simple note: I used PowerShell (admin) to do that.

@jalaleddine.elhabbaz great to see that you have been able to solve the issue.

What are your plans with Frontity? It would be great to see what you are building :blush:

@Pablo Well, I was planning to use WordPress as Headless CMS for my website using Gatsby but now I will try it with Frontity.
I will share my website with the community as soon as I finish it.


Great! We are looking forward to see it :slight_smile: