Newbi build gallery website

Hi, I’m new to Frontity and React, have experience building WordPress sites.
I’d like to use Frontity with WordPress to build a gallery site for an artist - painter - friend of mine. Appreciate any pointers / tutorials on the best way to structure the web site, with responsive thumbnails and page per image using Frontity as the frontend.
Thanks for any help

Can’t think of a better place to start than the :slight_smile:

Hi :slight_smile:

I’m not sure if it’s exactly what you’re looking for, but in case you find it useful for inspiration, I recently found this art portfolio site - - built with Frontity. The source code can be found in this GitHub repo.

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Hello! It’s great to hear that you’re interested in using Frontity to build a gallery site for your artist friend. Frontity is a powerful tool for creating fast and scalable React-based WordPress themes. Since you have experience building WordPress sites, getting started with Frontity shouldn’t be too difficult.

Here’s a general outline on how you can structure the website and implement the gallery with responsive thumbnails and individual pages per image using Frontity:

  1. Set up Frontity Project:
  • First, make sure you have Node.js installed on your system.
  • Install Frontity using npm or yarn (if you haven’t already):

bashCopy code

npx create-frontity-app my-gallery-site
cd my-gallery-site
  • Follow the prompts to create a Frontity project.
  1. Configure Frontity Settings:
  • Open the frontity.settings.js file in the root of your project.
  • Configure your WordPress site’s REST API endpoint by setting the api value.
  • Ensure you have the necessary packages installed for fetching data from your WordPress site (e.g., @frontity/wp-source).
  1. Create a WordPress Custom Post Type for the Gallery:
  • In your WordPress admin, create a custom post type named “Gallery” or “Artwork” to hold the artist’s paintings/images.
  • Add custom fields (e.g., image, description, etc.) to each gallery post to store relevant information.
  1. Fetch Data from WordPress:
  • In your Frontity project, create a custom handler (e.g., galleryHandler) to fetch the data from your WordPress custom post type using the @frontity/wp-source package.
  • Map the fetched data into the appropriate Frontity state to use it in your components.
  1. Build the Gallery Components:
  • Create a React component for displaying the gallery with responsive thumbnails. You can use popular React libraries for creating sliders or carousels to make the gallery more interactive.
  • Make sure the thumbnails are clickable, allowing users to view individual images.
  1. Create Individual Pages for Each Image:
  • When a user clicks on a thumbnail, navigate to an individual page for that image. Create a React component to render the full image and its details.
  • You can use Frontity’s link component or actions.router.set to handle navigation.
  1. Implement Responsiveness:
  • Ensure that your gallery and individual image pages are responsive, so they display well on various devices (desktops, tablets, smartphones).
  1. Customize the Look and Feel:
  • Customize the styling of your Frontity theme to match your artist friend’s aesthetic preferences.
  1. Test and Deploy:
  • Test the website thoroughly to ensure it works as expected.
  • Deploy the Frontity project to a hosting environment (e.g., Vercel, Netlify) so that others can access the gallery site online.

For more specific implementation details, you can refer to the Frontity documentation and its step-by-step tutorials. The official Frontity documentation provides comprehensive resources to help you build your Frontity WordPress theme with ease.

Remember, the above steps are a general guide, and you may need to adjust them based on your specific requirements and the complexity of the gallery site you want to create. Good luck with your Frontity project, and I hope your artist friend’s gallery site turns out to be a great success! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

For more information check this: