New Frontity Talks episode - Debugging Frontity Sites

Episode nine of Frontity Talks is out! :film_strip: :tada:

In this episode of Frontity Talks JuanMa and Michael from the Developer Relations team talk about debugging your Frontity project.

In essence debugging a Frontity App is no different from debugging any other node.js app, or indeed any other isomorphic React App.

Since Frontity is an isomorphic React application the developer needs to be able to debug their JavaScript both on the client-side (i.e. in the browser) and on the server-side. This additional complexity can sometimes present certain challenges

We will outline a number of techniques you can use for debugging your JavaScript, both in the browser and on the server, using a variety of tools and methods - including debugging server-side node.js code in your IDE/code editor (we demonstrate this using our preferred code editor VS Code, but the techniques shown should work for any other IDE/code editor).

If you ever run into a problems when developing your Frontity project that you don’t know how to solve then hopefully the techniques in this episode of Frontity Talks will help get you over the hurdles that you’ll inevitably face more quickly.

It’s essential viewing for any developer working with Frontity, though any JavaScript/React developer will get a great deal of value from watching it.

Frontity Talks is a series of videos in which our Developer Relations team explain a variety of topics related to Frontity. We hope that you find this episode of Frontity Talks useful for you. If you’ve missed any of the earlier episodes of Frontity Talks and want to catch up, you can find them all in this Youtube playlist .

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Feel free to ask if you have any questions.