Localhost 3000 displays nothing except

url": “https://cakesonwheels.in”,
“title”: “Cakes On Wheels - Delivering Smiles Across miles”,
“description”: “Cake Delivery Service Across India”

The page just shows this, even the homepage is blank, links to the categories, i have doubled checked and they seem fine.

what could be wrong?

Hi @cakestreetindia :wave:

In order for the community to be able to help, please provide more details:

What specific errors are you getting in the terminal?
What specific errors are you getting in the browser’s console?
If you could provide a repository with the code of your project, the community (or any member of the Frontity team) would be able to clone your project and try to reproduce the issue you’re having
With this info, it’ll be much easier to help you with your issue

If you can’t share your whole project, please create a CodeSandbox (you can start with this template) or a GitHub repository with the minimal amount of code to reproduce the issue.

The terminal has no specific issue.

It compiles successfully when I execute the dev command - npx frontity dev
Triggers the localhost:3000, where the browser just displays the structure I have configured in the settings, however It does not connect to the website mentioned. And

The structure links go in to a 404.

I am sorry but I don’t have much coding experience apart from the PHP (only script) I know. So How do I proceed as a layman?

Perhaps I could email you?

const settings = {
“name”: “cakesonwheels”,
“state”: {
“frontity”: {
“url”: “https://cakesonwheels.in”,
“title”: “Cakes On Wheels - Delivering Smiles Across miles”,
“description”: “Cake Delivery Service Across India”
“packages”: [
“name”: “@frontity/mars-theme”,
“state”: {
“theme”: {
“menu”: [

      "featured": {
        "showOnList": false,
        "showOnPost": false
  "name": "@frontity/wp-source",
  "state": {
    "source": {
      "api": "https://cakesonwheels.in/wp-json"


export default settings;

any help? i just cant proceed further, it just fails to connect to my website, while the test website works just fine…

Tried a hundred combinations

I would again ask you for a github repo with a reproduction, otherwise it’s hard to diagnose this.

Also please make sure you go through the Initial checks .
