isReady === true, before custom handler fetches data

isReady condition satisfies before custom handler is able to fetch the data. What am I missing?

// src/index.js
const topArticleHandler = {
  pattern: "top-article-handler",
  func: async ({ route, state, libraries }) => {
    const handlerResponse = {};
    const categoriesId = Object.keys(topArticleCategories);

    const allPosts = {};
    new Promise((resolve) => {
      categoriesId.forEach(async (id) => {
        const response = await libraries.source.api.get({
          endpoint: `/wp/v2/posts?categories=${id}&per_page=3`,
        const posts = await response.json();
        allPosts[id] = posts;
        if (Object.keys(allPosts).length === 3) {
    }).then((allPosts) => {
      new Promise((resolve) => {
        categoriesId.forEach(async (id) => {
          const categoryData = [];
          const categoryPosts = allPosts[id];
          categoryPosts.forEach(async (post) => {
            const publishDate = post.date_gmt;
            const title = post.title.rendered;
            const featureMediaResponse = await libraries.source.api.get({
              endpoint: `/wp/v2/media/${post.featured_media}`,
            const featureMediaJSON = await featureMediaResponse.json();
            const postSrc = featureMediaJSON.guid.rendered;
            let postSrcSet = [];
            for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(featureMediaJSON.media_details.sizes)) {
              postSrcSet.push([value.source_url, value.width]);
            const authorResponse = await libraries.source.api.get({
              endpoint: `/wp/v2/users/${}`,
            const authorJSON = await authorResponse.json();
            const postAuthor =;
              src: postSrc,
              date: publishDate,
              author: postAuthor,
              srcSet: postSrcSet,
              category: topArticleCategories[id],
            if (categoryData.length === 3) {
              handlerResponse[id] = categoryData;
              if (Object.keys(handlerResponse).length === 3) {
      }).then((handlerResponse) => {
        const data = state.source.get(route);
        Object.assign(data, { ...handlerResponse });

actions: {
    theme: {
      beforeSSR: async ({ state, actions }) => {
        await actions.source.fetch("top-article-handler");

// topArticle.js
const topArticleData = state.source.get("top-article-handler");
if (topArticleData.isReady){
 return <></>

Hi @sarang,

Sorry for the delay in the answer. We lost track of this post from all the posts we (Frontity Team) moderate

Did you manage to solve this issue?