Images are not showing on frontity

Hi there!

I am new to frontity and impress by its features, and I want to use it for the news website based on WordPress so I tried using frontity on codesandbox,

But I face some problems like feature images and images not showing on frontity even when I toggle feature images on the blank page appears with an internal error message.


<a href=">Screenshot-27

<a href=">Screenshot-29

Hi @umerhammaz

Welcome to the Frontity community. It’s great to hear that you’re planning to build the exbulletin site with Frontity. We’d love to hear about your progress and how you get on with it.

I think the problem you’re having is coming from WordPress. If you check frontity.state.source in the console you’ll see that attachment links appear to have a double slash “//” at the end:

It’s also there if you check the json in your browser:

Hi there!

Thanks alot for replying to this post, I watched your all videos on youtube because it’s very clear and helpful. :slightly_smiling_face:

Btw, Any idea how can I fix this error coming from WordPress? Because I tried newly installed WordPress site with frontity and I got the same error!
