I want to convert by html site https://old.mbits.io/ to frontity with same design to achive this deisin is posible

[my site](https://old.mbits.io/)

Hi @techiegram836,

Can you provide more info about your issue?
Frontity allows you to use React as the engine to create the Frontend of a WordPress site.
There’s no automatic way (as far as we know) to automatically convert a WordPress theme into a React project, so I’m afraid this has to be done manually.
The advantage of doing this is that once is done, the maintenance and evolution of site will be easier to manage

I just wanted to know my website old.mbits.io in html right now, is firstly i have to convert this in wordpress with same actual styling ? or to put only content in wordpress ? please guide me i am new to frontity…

HI @techiegram836 ,

You can create a custom design to emulate the one you have in old.mbits.io with Frontity by applying custom styles to your React App.

Frontity can help you to connect your site with the data stored in your WordPress installation (posts, pages…)