How to modify the default per_page param?

Hi there,
I am evaluating Frontity as an option for my website rebuild.

Blog and blog posts seem to be straight forward.

On my home page I want to show ACF fields together with a list of custom post types for my courses.

How do I modify the default number of returned custom post types?

This API call returns all the courses, but I can’t find a way to pass this param to Frontity theme.

Any suggestions?

I think I need to modify the handler for this post type?

At the moment I am prefetching all courses in the beforeSSR hook. Is there a way to specify the per_page param for the fetch call?


Ideally, I would like to achieve this from the front-end without touching the WP theme.


I think you need follow these settings

Hi @peter,

The @frontity/wp-source package offers you some low level methods to get custom data into your Frontity project

For example you have libraries.source.api.get() that you can use to perform requests to your server and specify any type of parameters.

// Get posts from categories 2, 3 and 4
const postsCategories = await api.get({
  endpoint: "posts",
  params: { _embed: true, categories: "2,3,4" },

// Get the page 14
const page14 = await api.get({
  endpoint: "pages",
  params: { _embed: true, include: "14" },

// Other endpoints:
const postBeautiesGullfoss = await api.get({
  endpoint: "/acf/v3/posts",
  params: { slug: "/the-beauties-of-gullfoss" },

You also have available libraries.source.populate() that you can use to insert the results got from libraries.source.api.get() into Frontity’s state

const response = await libraries.source.api.get({ endpoint: "posts" })
const entitiesAdded = await libraries.source.populate({ response, state })

entitiesAdded.forEach(({type, id, link}) => {
  console.log({type, id, link})

These methods can be used in a custom handler to get the specific data from a single link

Regarding Custom Post Types they require to be properly defined in your frontity.settings.js (state.source.postTypes & state.source.taxonomies) so they can be accessed from your Frontity project

Here you have a Frontity Talk where we explain how we have used Custom Post Types in this Frontity project demo

Hope this helps