How to get different CPT sharing same custom taxonomy?

I’ve registered categories as followed :

taxonomies: [
                taxonomy: "category",
                endpoint: "categories",
                postTypeEndpoint: "articles",
                params: {
                  per_page: 8,
                  _embed: true,
                taxonomy: "cs_categories",
                endpoint: "cs_categories",
                postTypeEndpoint: "casestudies",
                params: {
                  per_page: 2,
                  _embed: true,
                taxonomy: "jo_categories",
                endpoint: "jo_categories",
                postTypeEndpoint: "joboffers",
                params: {
                  per_page: 10,
                  _embed: true,

Each retrives the proper custom posts from postTypeEndpoint with said taxonomy

However, i now have 2 new CPT both sharing the same custom taxonomy
How can i register it so that fetching the custom taxonomy gets posts from both CPTs ?
Considering postTypeEndpoint is a string, not an array

Help much appreciated :slight_smile: