[General Announcement] New Frontity.org website

We are happy to share with you that we recently launched a brand new frontity.org website! :blush:

  • It’s built with WordPress, Gutenberg and Frontity, and aims to improve the way the framework is explained, its features and how it works.
  • It also features a new About Us page so you can learn more about our story, the framework’s mission and our philosophy.

Here’s the GitHub repo of the project. If you find any error, please feel free to open an issue. :slight_smile:

We are also planning to write a case study on how we built the website and what we have learned while using Gutenberg and Frontity.

Special thanks to the designer Jose Cruz and to @SantosGuillamot, @iamuchejude, @luisherranz, @David, @mmczaplinski from our team for their amazing work! :muscle:

We hope you like the new website as much as we do!