Future-proofing frontity

The web development landscape is changing fast and frontity should be prepared for some inevitable changes in how web applications are developed.

With this thread I want to point out some technologies that have the potential to create that change so that frontity can anticipate it before it happens so that frontity does not meet the same fate as meteor.js (poor meteor :cry: ).

Some of those technologies are:

  • Portals API. Google is working on a spec for creating an SPA-like user experience with server side rendered applications: https://web.dev/hands-on-portals/. There is a nice talk going into the history and background: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1L2WgXu2JY

  • Snowpack bundler. Snowpack is a new bundler that uses native ES Modules in dev and only bundles the application code for production. The Svelte team has announced that they’re going to use it as their official solution: https://www.snowpack.dev/