Frontity with Wordpress Advanced Custom Fields repeater fields php while have_rows

Im new to frontity and usually code Wordpress sites in php. Currently i have a repeater field in ACF called ‘service_details’ with sub-fields named ‘icon’ and ‘title’. To output these in a loop i would typically do it as follows:

<?php if(have_rows('service_details')) : ?>
    <?php while(have_rows('service_details')) : the_row(); ?>
          <?php $icon = get_sub_field('icon'); ?>
          <h3><?php the_sub_field('title'); ?></h3>
    <?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

I have installed the ACF to Rest API plugin and can get the json which looks like this:

        "service_details": [
                "icon": {
                    "ID": 6917,
                    "id": 6917,
                    "title": "",
                    "icon": "",
                    "width": 400,
                    "height": 400,
                "title": "Web research & user experience",
                "icon": {
                    "ID": 6918,
                    "id": 6918,
                    "title": "",
                    "icon": "",
                    "width": 400,
                    "height": 400,
                "title": "Creative website design",
                "icon": {
                    "ID": 6919,
                    "id": 6919,
                    "title": "",
                    "icon": "",
                    "width": 400,
                    "height": 400,
                "title": "Responsive technical design",
                "icon": {
                    "ID": 6920,
                    "id": 6920,
                    "icon": "",
                    "width": 400,
                    "height": 400,
                "title": "Ongoing website management",

Is there a way of outputting something similar to the php with frontity?