Or passed as a Frontity Query Option: https://site.com/some-post/?frontity_public_path=https://other-domain.com/custom-static-path
#890 Thanks @orballo! - Add support for dynamic publicPath configuration via state.frontity.options.publicPath (in frontity.settings.js) or the ?frontity_public_path=/your-path query option.
#893 Thanks @luisherranz! - Move favicon from Vercel hosting to WordPress.com hosting to avoid connectivity problems.
I updated frontity in one of my projects last week and was wondering why all the local assets stopped working. I will also look into it today and inform what I found.
EDIT: I can confirm I have the same issue. I was trying to look for a solution but I couldn’t find anything that works for me right now so I had do downgrade the version back to 1.14.3