Front-end rendering apostrophes and dashes in title as unicode

Hello Everyone!

I am looking to see if anyone else is encountering this issue… After connecting my WordPress website to my Frontity React app, if the title has an apostrophe or a dash I am seeing a unicode representation of that character - such as – for a dash or ’ for an apostrophe.

This issue is only appearing in titles (from what I have seen so far) on both the list of items as well as the individual page itself. The setup I am using is almost identical to the one used in the as I am just getting started. But I am basically wondering if this is an issue with my Frontity setup or with my WordPress setup.

A screenshot of what I am seeing:

Any help is appreciated and I can provide any information or code as needed.


After some searching I found that using the HTML2React package resolved this issue.


Hi @tommywoodhouse02

Welcome to the Community!

Glad to see you were able to solve your issue.

Did you finish the project explained at How did it go?

Hello @juanma!

Yes, I did finish the project there. Actually, it has been the foundation for my personal project that I have been working on :sweat_smile:.

I have been a WordPress theme developer for a while and have only just learned React, so that tutorial provided a great and simple-to-follow transition. Great job!


Hello! I’m having the same problem and I was able to fix it in the page content with Html2React.

I’m also trying to display the post’s title in the title of the browser tab, but including the Html2React component inside the <title> tag (within Frontity’s <Head> component) gives a 404 Not Found error for all individual posts when I try to access them. Is there any workaround to render the apostrophe character in the tab title as well, with or without Html2React?