Docs update: 06 September 2019 - Learning Frontity guide

We’ve added more pages to Learning Frontity (and new info to the existing ones) to make it easier to master Frontity :mortar_board::

  • Project - We’ve added an introductory page with the basics of how Frontity works and a common project structure.
  • Styles - New page with the info necessary to style your theme with Frontity.
  • Code Splitting - Info about how to split your code with Frontity in order to improve the performance of your app.
  • Head - How to add tags like <title>, <meta>, or others to your <head> section.

We’ve also added new info to the existing pages such as Libraries or Namespaces. If you are interested, we recommend you to take a look at the whole Learning Frontity section.

We’re planning to release soon new pages into this section explaining how Router and Source work.