Deployment in subdirectory

Hi frontity team!

I had enjoyed frontity so far. I completed the development and I’m trying to deploy frontity project in a subdirectory. (eg: I faced some issue with static folder path but fixed it by using custom static folder path during build. Now I’m facing issues with route and states.

Now I saw this (Frontity Blog). I need to deploy exactly like this. Here I can see the source data paths appended with blog/. Just wanna know how to do that exactly.!

Screenshot 2022-09-26 at 7.48.24 PM|690x378

Deploying a web application or website in a subdirectory involves placing the application’s files and resources within a subfolder of a domain or web server. This can be useful when you want to host multiple applications or websites under the same domain or when you want to organize your content more effectively. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to deploy a web application in a subdirectory:

  1. Prepare Your Web Application:
  • Make sure your web application is fully developed IDM Crack and tested before deploying it.
  • Ensure that all file paths and references within your application are relative and can work from a subdirectory.