Deploy Frontity con Vercel

Description of my problem

I uploaded my project done with Frontity to Vercel, I successfully linked it with the domain:

Everything works perfect except the following point that I detail:

When a user tries to access a category (Click on the category “Science and technology”) the section is constantly loading.

Link to the project on Github

My personal mail

Thank you very much!

En español
DescripciĂłn de mi problema

Subí mi proyecto realizado con Frontity a Vercel, lo vinculé de forma éxitosa con el subdominio (arriba el link ↑)

Todo funciona perfecto excepto el siguiente punto que detallo:

Cuando un usuario pretende acceder a una categoría ( Por ejemplo hacer click en categoría “Ciencia y tecnología” ) la sección queda constantemente cargando.

Desde ya mil gracias! :slight_smile:

Problem solved. The error was in the file frontity.settings.js

Incorrect link:
Correct link:


Glad to see that you finally managed to find the error, @HugoRomero. And welcome to the community! :slight_smile:

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I just have solves this issue by myself to :grinning: It’s a bit stupid because locally (over HTTP) it works perfectly

@Reyes maybe it’d be a good idea to put a line, inside the vercel documentation ( to make sure people are using HTTPS for the api in wp-source. As vercel does force HTTPS. What do you think?


Good point @phn. Let’s ping the @documentation-team. In any case, it would be great if you contribute to the docs with this suggestion. It’s pretty easy, you have a guide covering how to do it here.



I’ve created an issue to implement your suggestion:

As @Pablo suggests, feel free to submit a PR with your suggestion. Frontity is an open source project and we welcome contributions from the community.


oh thanks, I will try to create a PR for this :grinning: