Contact Form 7's POST Request giving POST request error with status 404

I am trying to integrate Contact Form 7 from frontity with my WordPress site. When I try to submit form I am getting this error:

Within an Error Response:

I think the issue is in request URL (endpoint) because I am getting double slash in the URL:

See here with reference to above Hyperlink:
I am having two slashes after wp-json. I have tried by editing my htaccess file with this line: (but its still giving me the same error)

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/wp-json

Q#1: Can you please suggest solution how can I correct it?

I have tested it using POSTMAN and its working there if i remove the second slash:(please see screen shot, thanks)


I checked my frontity.settings.js files and there was trailing slash (/) in the API endpoint for wp-json which was creating this error. I have removed it and now Contact form 7 is working perfectly.