Change SEO tite

Hello, I have installed head tags plugin sin wp and in frontity, my client doesn’t use yoast or any plugin, he just want the titles to appear, and not the site title after the post, or tag or category before
and IDK where to change that

like that

En los TAGs:

  1. Tag :
  2. Title actual en el DOM con JS (inspeccionar de Chrome) Tag: American Express: Tarjetas de crédito Amex - Javier Lorente - SEO, inversiones y promos para viajar.
  3. Title actual en el cĂłdigo fuente (ver cĂłdigo fuente): Javier Lorente - SEO, inversiones y promos para viajar.
  4. Title deseado: American Express: Tarjetas de crédito Amex. >> Es decir, lo que sale en el campo [nombre] de ni más ni menos.

En las CategorĂ­as:

  1. CategorĂ­a :

  2. Title actual en el DOM con JS (inspeccionar de Chrome): Category: TecnologĂ­a - Javier Lorente - SEO, inversiones y promos para viajar.

  3. Title actual en el cĂłdigo fuente (ver cĂłdigo fuente): Category: TecnologĂ­a - Javier Lorente - SEO, inversiones y promos para viajar.

  4. Title deseado: Tecnología >> Es decir, lo que sale en el campo [nombre] de ni más ni menos.

Hi @alexaspalato

You should be able to set custom titles in each page by using the <Head> component which allows you to set metadata (including <title>) for any link

With the @frontity/head-tags
you’ll also will be able to use headTags.get from which you get all the metadata available for any wordpress page

Hope this helps

There is a problem on build,
I had the head tags package
then I had that in index

  const metadata = state.headTags.get(;

and this in Head


having the title like that in Head, make it breaks on build with internal server error and nothing else
even if I put just that
it works perfectly on dev, and does what I need


it breaks

this is how looks my Head

      <meta name="description" content={state.frontity.description} />
      <html lang="en" />

all is on git

It works now
IDK why this
was not working last time, the problem was that metadata[0] is undefined on home , so I did that
const title = isHome ? state.frontity.title : metadata[0]?.content;