Change canonical links from head_tags

how to change canonical links from head_tags to have the frontity domain link

Hi @modyydom!

The @frontity/head-tags package uses the url defined at state.frontity.url in your frontity.settings.js. It seems that there you have set your backend domain, and you should use your Frontity domain.

Could you confirm if that’s the case?

This package hasn’t settings, but you must defined two parameters:

  • state.frontity.url : Usually defined at frontity.settngs.js file. (the url of your site)
  • state.source.api : Defined at @frontity/wp-source inside frontity.settings.js file (the api where your project is pointing)

This is an important point that I think isn’t that clear in the DOCS.

The example in the docs uses the same site for both of the parameters



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You’re absolutely right. I’ve edited this part. Thanks @modyydom :+1: