Chakra Theme: how to remove page title and make wp page full width so there's not massive empty background?

Iā€™m having an issue with removing the page titles. For example on home page, thereā€™s a great big H1 that says ā€œHomeā€. Changing the css in the wp source site does not seem to have an effect. Also, Iā€™d like to make the wp content full width or at least wider than it is now. I find the current layout has margins around the content that are much too large for my liking.

WP source site URL: (looks horrible, I know)
Most recent version of my current Frontity buildā€™s repo: GitHub - Trevorton27/chakraPersonalSiteBuild

This is a beautiful theme and I love the speed and functionality of Frontity but, wow, is different from just about any other React environment Iā€™ve used.

Would love any guidance and hope to be able to offer the same once I get a little more used to this platform. Thanks in advance on this one and happy developing.