Cant get template parts data

Hi all
Im new in Frontity and Im trying to get data of template_parts.
I reed this conversation and tried to do everything as there was mentioned and its not work for me. After that I decide to check REST API data directly and get it by url of my localhost https://localhost/wp-json/wp/v2/template-parts and its not working.
This is the error message which I get:
{"code":"rest_no_route","message":"No route was found matching the URL and request method.","data":{"status":404}}

But for its working and there is tons of data.

Why its happening, maybe someone know ? Should I activate something or etc ?

Wordpress Version: 5.9.3
Theme: Twenty Twenty-Two


    state: {
        theme: {
            templates: [ "footer" ]
    actions: {
        theme: {
            beforeSSR: async ({ state, actions }) => {
                await Promise.all(


import React from "react"
import { connect } from "frontity"

const Root = ({ state }) => {
    const data = state.source.get(
    const footer = state.source.get("/wp_template_part/footer")

    return (
            <h1>Hello Frontity</h1>
            <p>Current URL: {}</p>

export default connect(Root)


      "state": {
        "source": {
          "url": "http://localhost/",
          postTypes: [
              type: "/wp_template_part",
              endpoint: "template-parts",