Can't get homepage to render homepage content / always renders posts list

Very stoked to be using Frontity and build Wordpress sites in React!
I’m still in the setup phase of my project, and am having trouble setting my homepage to be anything other than the posts page. This is despite these settings in frontity.settings.js:

   "state": {
        "source": {
          "api": "",
          "homepage": "/",
          "postsPage": "/posts"


and having set my homepage to static page “home” and posts to a different page.
I’ve gone through similar questions here, and can’t seem to figure it out!
Here’s the repo to my project:


Hi @lj.stewart00,

Welcome to the Community!

In the docs you have the documentation to set your Frontity project to be aligned with your WordPress installation. If you change your HomePage settings you need to define these values in your frontity.settings.js:

Here you have a video where you can see how this works

Hope this helps


Had the same problem. Thanks, Juanma)))